Monovalent Botulinum Type B Antitoxin, ZABOT-B®
Monovalent Botulinum Type B Antitoxin
Monovalent Botulinum Antitoxin Type B is a preparation containing antitoxic globulins that have the power of specifically neutralizing the toxins formed by clostridium botulinum type B. It is obtained by fractionation from the serum of horses, that have been hyperimmunized against Clostridium Botulinum type B toxoid. Botulism usually follows ingestion of contaminated preserved foodstuffs, but may develop from infected wounds or gastrointestinal colonization in infants. Eight types of Clostridium Botulinum (A-H) can be distinguished, human disease is usually caused by types A, B&E. ZABOT-B® is prepared as a monovalent form. This botulinum immunosera is a sterile solution in 10 ml Single-use vials as a monovalent Type B (5000 IU/Vial) form for IM or IV administration. Monovalent Botulinum antitoxin Type B is used in the postexposure prophylaxis and treatment of botulism caused by botulinum toxin type B. Treatment should be given as early as possible in the course of the disease. The botulinum antitoxin is only specific treatment product for botulism diseases.
This drug has numerus following advantages:
- • Safe and effective therapy for intoxications by different botulinum toxins
- • Quick and potential clinical results.
- • High quality according to international standards.